#ecokosovo is an online advocacy campaign, and photo competition in order to raise awareness on environment and health issues in Kosovo. It was organized by UNDP, UNV in partnership with WHO and UN Kosovo Team (UNKT). Trembelat created the logo, identity, brand design, website, animation, as...
Is the most known private music school in Kosovo. Though, they requested only logo design, after our proposal for web-design, they were pleased with it and decided to implement. Logo relates to musical notes, as this is a musical school.
Is a management consulting company that aims to provide high quality consulting services in market research, management training and quality control. It is in our internal policies, to make everything look beautiful and easily recognized by people, thus even though this client came to us requesting...
Kosovo in Unesco started as campaign, during the time Kosovo was lobbying for membership in UNESCO. Though this campaign aimed to raise awareness among local politicians on the importance of Kosovo’s membership in UNESCO, it had a wider impact too. Our company designed their campaign starting...
Is a project from our company, that has the format of a reality TV-Show, where youngsters apply for a job. The idea behind the logo, is to ironically tackle the education system, and why this project is being implemented. Throughout the show, topics varied from education system, to employees work...
Is a website which is focused on advices for dogs. Though we haven’t designed their logo, it was requested from us to design website categories. Our creative approach was instead of using written categories, to design icons which transmit the same message to clients.
Is a platform that offers consultancy, accounting and integrated system on which their clients can manage bills and payments they have made. Our company designed their brand completely, including logo. The idea behind this logo, is to the green line, which explains that in algebraic way of...
#ecokosovo is an online advocacy campaign, and photo competition in order to raise awareness on environment and health issues in Kosovo. It was organized by UNDP, UNV in partnership with WHO and UN Kosovo Team (UNKT). Trembelat created the logo, identity, brand design, website, animation, as well...
“Action for Mothers and Children” support mothers and children in need. Partnership on fundraising event “Runner for Hearts” on creating concept and print.
Is a company based in Swiss, that tries to link employees and employers together. The idea behind the curved line below bb is to leave costumers understand that being part of this platform will make you happy, as it is expected for clients to find their best job at this platform.
Designed in Capital Font, this logo is all in letters, representing the name of the fashion designer herself. When it comes to fashion designers, best logo proposal would be something that represents their name, work and creativity, and this is exactly what we thought to transmit when we came up...